one week old...

Cannon is one week old! Seems like the time has both flew by and stood still at the same time. We planned to get there tonight in time for his feeding, but it just didn't work out. His feeding times actually couldn't be any worse to fit with our schedule. He had another great day. His feedings were increased to 8cc's of breastmilk. They increased the flow to 2 liters on his cannula to make it a little easier for him for him to breathe today. His weight is 1162 grams so he has gained 2 ounces since he was born. Nothing else really changed - he is just working on getting stronger and bigger.

This is usually what his isolette looks like when we get there. They keep it covered with a blanket most of the day so it is darker and more comfortable for him.
The NICU has a whole collection of children's books available to read to the babies. We usually read 1 or 2 when we visit. Sometimes we just want him to hear our voices, but we don't know what to say so it is nice to have the books to read to him.
His one week old portrait. He just LOVES being on his belly. Every once in a while he pushes up on his feet and sticks his bum way up in the air. I thought he was going to roll himself over the other day he was pushed up so high. They have put little clear stickers over his knees to protect the skin since he rubs them on the blanket so much.

We are just so proud of our little guy and could not be happier with all the progress he has made in his first week.

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