the doctor apologized today...

Finally had the ultrasound today around noon. I was spoiled by the doctor coming first thing in the morning before. Anyway, the news was not as good as it has been. The one doppler that was normal yesterday was back to where it was on Wednesday when I was admitted to the hospital. The other two dopplers were still stable so Dr. B decided that we did not need to rush into any decisions today. She still wants to check out the growth on Wednesday. If he is not showing much growth there is no reason to not deliver since obviously my body is not doing much for him. So, she apologized for saying something yesterday about the possibility of going home. Doesn't look like that is going to happen at this point, but we all know that God can change that! We are still going to do the dopplers tomorrow, but it looks like unless there are some major changes before then, we will be hanging tight until Wednesday to see what the plan will be.

Today has been a tough one. It is so weird being here. I can be in good spirits, reminding myself to just take it one day at a time and then all of a sudden I feel like I just smack into a brick wall. Eric and Charlie stopped by for a few minutes this morning before Charlie went to spend the day with grandma P and I just fell apart. I tried to hold it back because I know that is probably the last thing that Eric needs to see right now, but I think he just knew that it was a matter of time. It was the same last time I was here with Charlie. I did get to take a shower after that so I am feeling much better now - it is the little things that make a big difference around here! :)

I wanted to say "HI!" and thank-you to all the sweet gals from Archiver's. I have received many sweet e-mails and well wishes from them and it has really made me smile. I also received a very nice visit from our friend/neighbor Jen yesterday - thank-you so much for the care package. I used the lotion last night and you are right, it works great!


  1. I have been checking your blog all day...waiting for the update! Sorry to hear that it has been one of "those"'s so hard to be tough all of the time. We are only human. You deserve to fall apart from time to time. It doesn't make you a makes you "real." You are being honest with yourself and every once in a while feeling overwhelmed with the good news/bad news waiting game, is completely okay! Hang in there Mandy...God is in control. I love you so much!


  2. I am still sending up big prayers for you and baby, Eric and Charlie!
    We serve a big God and He is awesome!

    I wanted to come visit yesterday but have a cold/sinus stuff going on, so I don't want to expose you to that!

    Take care and hang in there!

  3. mandy,
    holly and i walked together this
    morning and prayed for you and baby
    and against powers & principalities & their schemes.
    so i am expecting a good report...we are assured that our God is awesome and he loves you and his plans are for your good and not for harm. according to his Word. we love you very much and will continue praying till we hear any different.
    love you,
