
I was feeling pretty optimistic that things were on the mend.


Cannon slept pretty good but as I opened his door this morning I was immediately hit with a recognizable stench. Yep, it was vomit and it was in his hair and clothes, it was all over his bedding and crib and even some on the floor. I wanted to turn right around and climb back into bed and cry. I put him in the tub and got everything cleaned up and gave him about an ounce of Gatorade. He instantly threw that up too. I did all the clean-up once again, started a laundry pile out on the patio and got Cannon in outfit number two. I waited another hour or two and tried some Gatorade again. He did not throw up this time, but I could tell that some was coming back up and he was choking on it. Then he would cry because it was burning his throat. I had to call the doctor anyway to schedule his follow-up appointment this week and once I described the events of the last few weeks she said we should come in. After looking everything over she decided that we should have an upper GI test done to check for reflux. He was on reflux medicine on and off for a while but it never seemed to help much. She said it was possible that he may not have been on the correct dosage or that it may be more severe than we thought. If the test comes back that he does have reflux then we are going to get him on medicine right away and then get an appointment with a GI doctor to see if there is anything more serious happening. In the meantime, I am giving him some Gaviscon to help soothe the burning in his throat.

I have not seen so much vomit or done so much laundry in my entire life. Of course, that is not what really matters here. What matters is that I have to watch my little guy go through all of this pain and frustration. He has lost 1.5 pounds over the last six weeks. He now weighs what he did at his one-year appointment back in October. I also think that it is having some effect on his development. He is not necessarily behind, but he has not made much progress over this time either. I don't want something to be wrong with him, but if there is I am praying for some answers to come very soon. We could really use a break around here.

The great news through all of this is that I found out today that Cannon will qualify for Medicaid in Utah and the effective date will be from December 1, 2009. This is in addition to our current medical insurance. So, all the medical bills that he racked up last weekend and all the upcoming procedures will be covered and we will have no out of pocket expenses. That is a huge relief. It is already hard enough going through all of this but knowing that we won't have to figure out how to pay for it all make it much easier to take.

Thanks for all your sweet comments and e-mails. They have meant a lot to me and our family. Your love and support is what gets us through each day!



  1. Oh so sorry to hear this...we will continue to pray...we love you all the way from here..and I wish there was more we could do to help you. You are loved more than you know. If you ever want to ask any medical questions or vent--I know a non-practicing nurse with a very strong stomach..I would love to hear from you anytime.

  2. Your last two blog posts made me cry. I just can imagine how terrified you must have been during the seizure. Poor little thing. :( Poor YOU!!!
    Hang in there. I hope things get better soon!!
