he is tube-free!

So, Mr. Cannon has one less thing attached to his body as of this morning. His feeding tube is gone!! See the red marks on his cheeks from taking the tape off? Poor little guy, usually the only times we have heard him cry are from when they take the tape off his skin. I bet he is so happy - although now he will be bored as he won't have anything to tug on and pull out. I think he just liked giving the nurses something to do :) Since he was able to eat a full 24 hours on just the bottle/breastfeeding the doctor ordered that the tube be removed and that he go to ad lib feeding. Now instead of automatically being fed every 3 hours, he is basically "on demand" but he cannot go more than 4 hours. He also gets to eat as much as he wants. This afternoon he ate 60 cc's (2 ounces). The nurse said he is a very slow and steady eater and that he likes to eat while he is half asleep. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing?? He also had his last head ultrasound today and it looked great.

He is scheduled to have his car seat study done tomorrow and if all goes well he will probably get to come home on Wednesday - just in time for Thanksgiving! Eric and I are both excited and terrified. It seems like it has been forever since we have been responsible for a newborn, I am hoping that it will all just come back to us like second nature. I am also hoping that Cannon will be a much easier baby than Charlie was...please Lord, I am begging!


  1. He looks amazing!!! :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You have so many things to be thankful for!! :)

  2. What a beautiful little boy in that photo! What a blessing to be thankful for. We'll pray for a smooth transition, and yep...I think that everything about caring for a baby will just come back naturally. God will provide that too!

  3. Mandy,

    I know that I felt the same way when I brought Caleb home-it had been 3 1/2 years but it comes back and you will both do great! Happy Thanksgiving and it is so great to see a wonderful, handsome, and very healthy little boy. Isn't God good!! You do have twice as much to be thankful for this year! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Miss you....
