cannon at 11 months...

11 months. Really???

A few things about Cannon at 11 months.....
- He is a busy boy! He is crawling all over the place and pulling up on the furniture. He loves to be standing up as much as possible. He is also crawling stairs and crawled all the way to the top yesterday.
- He loves to go on stroller rides around the neighborhood with my dad in the mornings.
- He usually gets up at 6:00am on the nose every single morning. Sometimes he gets up at 5:00 or 5:30 but rarely sleeps past 6:00...I continue to pray that this may change, but I am beginning to lose hope!
- He has good and bad days with eating. He still is not in love with baby food, but he does like puffs and some soft foods. I figure that maybe he just doesn't like baby food? He prefers veggies over fruit. Most of the time when you give him fruit he acts like it is so sour. Carrots are definitely a fave.
- He loves to play by the fireplace. Of course it freaks me out because I am just sure he is going to split his head open, but I try to allow him time over there so he is not attracted to it just because it is forbidden.
- His fangs on the top are coming in nicely. It looks like he may have another top front tooth breaking through any day now. He is miserable when he is teething so the last week has been pretty rough.
- Now that his teeth are in, he likes to bite down on my shoulder when I am least expecting it.
- He had an evaluation by the speech pathologist last week. She said he was pretty much right on track. He makes all the appropriate sounds for his age. He does not babble a whole lot, but she said since he does all the other things that he just may be the "quiet, silent type". I laughed out load when she said this. He is pretty much anything but quiet...I think he just prefers crying to babbling!
- He has started to take baths with his brother in the big tub and he LOVES it. He just loves hanging out with Charlie and he splashes like crazy.
- He gets really upset when anybody leaves the room he is in. He won't even be interacting with that person, but if they walk away, he will meltdown.
- He is cuter everyday and we love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable little boy! I wish I could grab him and give him a big kiss. Thank you for keeping us updated on Cannon and Charlie's progress.
    Love ya all.
