This one just cracks me up..looks like he is ready to attack. Watch out.
Last week while searching on Charlie discovered that Mary Poppins was coming to Broadway. He watched all the videos about it, even the one with the director being interviewed on "The View". He talked about it nonstop and insisted that we must see this show on broadway. Since we do not see a trip to New York in our future any time soon, Eric decided to take him to Hastings to get the video. They could not find it on their own so they asked the clerk for some help. Charlie proceeded to tell the clerk all about the broadway show. She said "oh, I didn't know Mary Poppins was coming to broadway." To which Charlie replied "I can't believe you didn't know that, it is a really BIG deal." Luckily, they were able to find the video and for the last week or so all we have heard is his little voice singing "just a spoonful of sugar..." and "supercala-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-docious"
We checked out Mary Poppins from the library over the summer and experienced the same thing at our house. Halle still talks about that movie and loves Julie Andrews because she is froline Maria in The Sound of Music which is her all time favorite it! Great Pics