end of summer celebration.....

To stick with tradition, we took Charlie out for a special evening to say goodbye to summer.

He got to pick the dinner place, much to my dismay, and off to Burger King we went.
Burger King is not his favorite place to eat.  He just really, really wanted the flame guitar Paper Jamz kids meal toy.  After 4 different visits and lots of pleading with the BK employees, the flame guitar was just not meant to be.

The next stop was the mall.  We had spotted these LEGO shoes the week before and Charlie was pretty sure he needed them for school.  He was a little surprised that we were shopping on his special night, but we made sure to keep it quick. 

And then off to the big surprise, Spy Kids 4D.  Charlie talked about this movie all summer.  He is crazy about anything spy related and 3D, so this was a very big deal. 




They actually ran out of the aromascope cards during the previous showing so they grabbed some used ones.  Crisis averted.

Charlie gives this night two thumbs up! 

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