the ducks were SO hungry...

The weather has been pretty cruddy so we haven't been up to much. Last week we did have a few days of decent weather so we decided to take the boys to feed the ducks at the park. Last year Charlie was completely terrified at just the sight of a duck or goose, so I was very curious how this was going to go. He surprised me just like he always does and walked right up to the geese with no fear at all. He talked to them and began throwing bread crumbs. One even took the bread out of his hand and nipped him a tiny bit and he hardly noticed. I really can't believe how much he has broken out of his shell these last few months. Cannon just loved being outside. He is not in love with hanging out in the stroller, but as usual, he was happy as a clam when we held him during our walk. I am sure he just wanted a better view of the beautiful scenery.

I just looOoovVe this picture of my three boys. Even Cannon is smiling. :)

As we were leaving, Charlie said proudly "Boy, those ducks were SOOO hungry, it is a good thing we came to feed them today, or I don't know what they would have done!"


  1. I was laughing out loud when I saw the shirt Charlie is wearing in this post!! I just bought it for Tanner last weekend...indeed they could be twins!

    I LOVE the picture of the 3 boys! That is framable!! For sure!

    Lots of love,

  2. love these photos-definitely some of your best ones....I loved seeing you in the pictures for once. You look great and you have a darling family too!
